New updates for flaON

A few new updates for my flaON system, starting with the raspberry PIs and finishing with the android app that's running on my wall mounted tablets.

For a long time I was looking for a suitable gateway for my smarthome system. I've tried many very known or important gateways, like openHAB, home-assistant, nymea, gladys, domoticz or candlesmarthome, but none of them have no impressed me like the have.

Smarthome gateway

So, after many tries and tests I've been finishing looking for a smarthome gateway and started using the mozilla's gateway.

Because its minimalistic design, good stability and security, easy remote access, customizable configuration by code, good implementation for IOT and MQTT. I already can create things and adapters, but the most important, the entire flaON system works as a IoT interconnected things system.

The raspberry PIs

A couple of changes were made to the raspberry PIs in order to obtain a more clean IoT structure.
On my main raspberry "" (Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4) are installed the following services & servers: mosquitto broker, nodered service, plex server and delunge service.
On my second raspberry "" (Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2) is installed the server remotely accessible.
The third and the oldest raspberry is used for security and testing.

The android flaON app

The android app has a new polar-white theme.
Inspired by a image from Pinterest website, the android app has a polar-white theme that looks more readable. Also a NavigationRailView was added to the left of the screen for a better navigation. This NavigationRailView has a customizable badge, in my case used for logs/errors notification.

The calendar script has a moon phase feature added, that is displayed on the weather fragment and daydream screensaver also (see the image below):


  • Since I migrate to NavigationRailView and fragments, there is a small bug displaying the weather's image on the home screen. Still have no ideea how to fix it. :P
  • Viewing the surveillance cameras on my tablets still gives me headaches. Got the camera streams but the loading time is big and the stability is weak;