flaON 2025 Spring updates

Some updates for flaON's android app that runs on my wall mounted tablets and nodered for Accuweather's current conditions and weather forecast.
The main ideea for this update was to a better and quicker access to gateway video camera, by a simple swipe of the main screen in the app.
Also, working to an update, I changed the weather provider to Accuweather, that involving a recode the android app and the nodered scripts.
An another improvement for flaON, that is inlcluded on this update is about events google scripting.

Android app

The main screen is almost the same like the previous ones, just a text with the weather prediction was added.

The main/1st screen contains:

  • the name of the current room
  • the temperatures measured by the ESP8066 microcontroller temperature sensors located in the current room and outside
  • a PNG image that displays the current weather status
  • a short text description of the current weather
  • a clock

The second screen is completly different and I tried to display the main/important info for the flaON system.

The second/2nd screen contains:

  • the next calendar events
  • a short three days forecast of weather, with temperatures and descriptions
  • the temperature in the current room
  • a history graphic with the power consumption or the last 7 days and the current instant power
  • a list with the flaON system messages

The settings screen is just where the settings of the android app are set. Simple and easy.

The gate's video camera preview screen has a refresh rate of 10seconds

A major difference from the previous versions of the android app is the swipe between those four screens. There is a main screen, always on, and there are the swipable screens for different details and views.

Node red updates

Like I wrote before, the nodered scripts have been changed because of the weather provider change. I've noticed that OpenWeatherMap doesn't provide a good current/forecast weather description so I switched to Accuweather for a while in testing purpose.