flaON app 2024 spring updates

A few updates to my flaON app, mostly to front-end experience. This is the early spring version of my flaON android app.

Wallpaper switch

This version comes with a new feature of changing the wallpaper at a specific time. Some wallpaper files were uploaded and to a specific time, the app change the wallpapers, based on the MQTT json received from NodeRed.

Security snapshots

Some improvements have been made to the security snapshots. So far I didn't manage to capture a live feed from my security cameras, because of the libraries' size and because of the compatibility between my working wall mounted tablets. So the app use the received snapshots from the cameras, snapshots that refresh at a specific time. This way, the app it's small sized and compatible with different android API.

A few screen captures of the wall mounted tablets

The android app design has slightly changed. Below is the latest UI interface for the tablets:

Github version

I'm new working with github releases, but I intent to upload different versions/releases to github, to a better version control and backup.