Mozilla gateway changed with nymea
A few days ago I decided to drop the Mozilla Gateway and change my smart home brain. I don't remember how I found the nymea:core on the Internet, but so far it looks amazing.
The Mozilla gateway was good, it has the web browser interface, accessible from anywhere, but it has, in my opinion, a few lacks related to configuration and development.
I don't need a user interface provided by the gateway or the main hub in my smart home, because I already have and is under permanent development an android app that's running on my tablets.
The heart of my Smart Home is now nymea:core, that's running on low powered Raspberry Pi. Customizable, configurable, lite weight, fast, it offers what I need: scripting support to create my own rules and codes, based on JS and QML. I admit, QML is new for me, but no worries yet.
It's still under testing, but so far I love it.