Eveything has started long time ego when I saw a movie called IT. That movie's inspired me and from that time I started to think about the endless possibilities of controling and monitoring my home.
A great inspiration for my work was the hackster website, discovered by chance, where I was amazed how many similar projects already are build.
Right after a few days I saw the movies "Passangers" that inspired me more and where I took the name of the project from: AVALON
The Avalon project has started with a simple DHT22 sensor for temperature and humidity, a raspberry PI version 2 and a basic launcher app coded in java for android.

It's main purpose was to show the temperature and the humidity in my room. Simple.
At that time I use my 7inch tablet as my main (and only) display panel
In a few days, being inspired by the same IT movie where I saw a control panel for smarthome, I developed for my android tablet launcher its own daydream service featuring a spinning logo avoiding to have a permanent black screen on all day charging tablet, a very simple custom feature that shown me the time.